Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Free Treat!

My friend & I were running some errands yesterday when she met a guy who treated us for lunch. 

Here's how the story go...

Our meeting time was 9am but aparantly my body clock was not working perfectly & my alarm clock didn't do it's purpose too. To cut it short, I was late. Haha! 😝 Moving on, I decided to go directly to the place (I just thought she's already there) then stayed in Ministop while waiting for her. 

The above picture is a screen shot of the game that I was playing while waiting. It is called "Sky Force", which I remember was the exact game I used to play in an arcade. 😸😼 

Time went by and after almost 3 hours of waiting, my friend got back (we only used instincts to know where each other was coz I don't have my phone & she doesn't have load) with a man beside her. I was kind of puzzled coz we just kept on walking with the guy, yet she hasn't introduced him to me. (Point is, the moment is so awkward! We're heading to a food chain where the guy will buy us free lunch and I do not know him at-all.) 

He, whose name was "Toks" offered us to have lunch in Army Navy. We just agreed to him, besides he was the one who chose it & will pay for it.

I don't know what the dish is called coz Toks was the one who ordered the food and it was good! πŸ‘ Specially the fries!πŸ˜‹

Below: Me, Toks & Nica

Toks was nice & cool, but a bit eer "mahangin" tho. LOL! *haba kasi ng hair ni gandang Monica!*

Basically this blog gives to you a share of the experiences I've had, stressing out our free meal (yey!) in Army Navy (YEY!) 😝 yesterday. Thanks for reading!

- Le Fille Γ  Papa

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